Monday, November 30, 2009

better estimator...but why?

Instead of Monte Carlo integrating the Hellinger divergence directly, if I use the Phi-divergence form (modified to be symmetric), then both the convergence speed is faster and the power of the hypothesis test is least in the Poisson vs PTST case.



Total variation (Phi-divergence)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Synchrony detectors

My paper on a new point process model got rejected because of the estimation method I introduced was far from complete. I was wondering if I should try to decompose signals into precisely timed components and others. That would be more practical, and I can use the existing synchrony detection methods on multiple trials to detect those events. Hmmm

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Incognito mode of Chrome

I love the incognito mode key combination of google chrome browser, "Ctrl-Shift-N".
It instantly forks a fresh browser process that does not share any cookies with my other browser windows. I use it whenever I see a suspicious link that someone sent or is 'tinyurl'ed. These can be dangerous because they can sometimes use the already logged in brower/tab's cookies to do stuff. For example, the viral twitter applications use this to send messages to people you follow, without you noticing (you just click a wrong button). I can't wait to see how Chrome will be advancing with plugins.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Q: Integrative management of personal information

My data are not integrated nor very well organized. I use a somewhat distributed and categorized storage system, but I really wish I had something that can do the following. Does anybody know such a software system?

1. backed up: nothing is more frustrating than loosing all your information at once
2. secure: I want to be able to dump all the sensitive information in my brain to somewhere
3. control I want to be the person who controls my information, not bound by some EULA that I won't read.
4. widely used data format: in case I want to migrate the data to some other format in the future
5. keyboard only navigation: I don't like moving my hand to the mouse too often
6. simple hierarchical organization + tags
7. fast text search
8. versioning