Distributed synchrony in a cell assembly of spiking neurons
Nir Levy, David Horn, Isaac Meilijson, Eytan Ruppin
Neural Networks, Vol. 14, No. 6-7. (9 July 2001), pp. 815-824.
Step 1. Feed a strong common input to a population of spiking neurons (both excitatory and inhibitory)
Step 2. Let STDP do their job for excitatory-excitatory synapses
Step 3. Stop the input and observe the sustained activity
- Oscillation of synchronous firing is observed
- The neurons formed subgroups that fired in sequence
- The frequency of oscillation was simply dependent on the synaptic delay and number of subgroups
- Over time the group formation can slightly change
This is an evidence that STDP can be used to make synchronously firing neural ensembles.
Time independent Schrödinger equation and information potential
Aim: A potential field that would yield the Parzen estimated pdf as one of the solutions of a
finite energy time-independent Shrodinger equation. The solution (wave function) has a physical meaning of being a probability amplitude function (complex valued) of a particle. Therefore somehow linking the probability and potential.
Dr. P: The potential might act as a regularizer
Discussion with Dr. D
Memming: STDP can do some computation with synchrony code. Suppose you have two ensembles A and B. I can train a third ensemble C with STDP to fire only when A and B fire.
Dr. D: Why not try the idea of association? Eliminate C and just make A and B fire even when only A fires.
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